Sunday photo and page share
Happy Australia day everyone.
We have a had a quiet weekend here with lots of vegging out at home, although we are planning on heading out to the beach for a while tomorrow sometime.
Here are a few pics of my girl waiting ever so paitiently for the train to come. We went for a train ride up to get her new glasses sorted out seeing where we had to go is a short walk from the train station.
Here she is holding the tickets. The tickets that I was going to scrap with the pics but I put them somewhere for later and do you think I can remember. lol And one of us both together. With me needing a hair cut. I am still trying to decide wether to grow my fringe out or not.
Hopefully I'll have some more beach shots to share next week.What's been happening over at Therapy
Well the month long cybercrop is nearly at it's end with the party coming to my place this weekend.
You can check out all the info here and the challenges are due Monday midnight if you still would like to give them ago. Here are my samples.
For challenge 1 to use red white and blue and to include the Australian flag on the layout somewhere.
close up of the pics as Asher is wearing an Aussie scarf in the photos.
Challenge 2 was a card challenge to scrap a male card. I did these up just before xmas for nephews birthdays.
Game challenge card
On the Friday night I hosted a scaveneger hunt game with a twist, the twist was to use a few of the items that they found in the hunt on a card but I slipped up and forgot to mention that they may need to use some of the hunt items and some of the items that were used were so not scrapable. We got a few laughs out of it I guess.

As it is a long trip from east to west there was a stop over at Belindas on Wednesday night where she hosted a blind chalenge. This is the page that I did for the challenge with some of the red skin photos I took while visiting my friends a few weekends back.

It has been a fun few weeks of ccing at Therapy but the fun isn't stopping just yet as the normal cc weekend is next weekend. Get ready to spread the love.
In other news
Over at CIS even though Ally has now taken over Jolene was still running the last two lessons in the first set of CISters'computer tricks for scrapbookers ongoing competition and I finally got around to doing my pages for the lessons.
One of the lessons was in altering photos to give a hand tinted look and I so love this effect.
I have since used the tips on photos for two other layouts that I can't show just now but they are my two favs at the moment and unfortunately they are not for me to keep. One for Laura, My US scrappy pal who kindly let me scrap some snow photos with the next monthly kit pack from Therapy and the other which is for the next inspiration challenge at Therapy is going to be heading over to my girlfriend Amanda's place, is of her little Angel Teghan.
The second lesson for January was to use a blurry photo as a base for your journaling.
I had fun doing this one too and knew just what I wanted to do but had to look for just the right photo. I was lucky enough to get one on my weekend away of Asher so not happy with the camera in her face.
I got the idea for the title from a t-shirt that one of the babies wore into day care last year. More sugar than spice and as it is so Asher I knew that I just had to use it somewhere on a layout.
Well I think it is about it from me. I have been thinking lately that I may need to change my Sunday update to a mid week one seeing as I've been promting the cc's for Therpay and some of my other places I pop into on the Sunday, when they are nearly over. Either that or do two posts. Anyway till next time as always thanks for popping by, any comments and till next time happy scrapping.
your lo's are awesome as always jules... you are one busy girl.. i swear i don't know how ya do it :)
totally gorgeous work Julie!!! Love the layout with the tinted photos - you did a great job with it.
The new train is great isn't it?? I took my girls up to Perth on it the other day and we were in Perth in no time- fabulous!
Your LOs are just gorgeous Julie- I love seeing your Sunday share- having a mid week layout share would be great too!! :)
Have a great day!
there are lovely things on your blog . Great city Perth been there several times to visit our family.
Beautiful!! :)
Hi!! Just checking out your blog. Love your new lo's and cards. Wonderful photos of Asher too. She is growing up so fast!
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