and thanks again to my US online scrappy friend Michelle for giving me the idea for the class and allowing me to use it.
-This months challenge was to scrap a layout about I know it is nearly christmas when... and this is my sample page for it. Our front lawn is covered in little yellow flowers every christmas.
-This months inspiration challenge over at therapy is up. You can find out the details here
and here is my OTP sample.
-The first hints have gone up for January's month long cyber crop with the first party place being at Nats house. You can check out the some of the things Nat has planned here
What is happening over at Arty Pants.
-The January Tech Tues is up now and this is my sample page for making your own trans embellies.
-I got to play around with the Jan kit this month and have had some fun with it. I have done two pages already and have an idea for two more. Jodee will have the pages up on site soon but here is a sneek of a step by step page that will be going up once the pages have.
-Now I was saying yesterday I would tell you all about Hissy fit 2 and 3 that Asher had the other day. Here goes
We were going out shopping with a friend, Asher was asked three time what she wanted for breakie and she said nothing. The minute I sat down to eat mine she wanted some so I said she had to wait till I had finished or get dh to make. Not good enough for her so she started to sulk. When I had finished we had to get ready to go out so I said I would make her a sandwhich to eat in the car after we had gotten changed. Not good enough. She then lost it over the new xmas clothes I had pulled out for her to wear sreamed the place down at having to wear them. I ended up getting her to choose something she wanted to wear as I really didn't have the time to fight with her and told her she had to wear the xmas clothes the next day. Lost it again. By this time dh had had enough and had picked up her lap top(leapster hand held) and put it away in the cupboard and there it is staying till she wears some of her xmas clothes. Hissy fit 1 over in about 20mins.
Asher had some money she wanted to spend at the shops when we went out and I told her that my friend would be the one to say if she could spend it or not after the mornings performance. She was doing a great job of sucking up to her as she really wanted to buy something. When it came time to pick something she took ages to choose and kept on wanting something she didn't have enough money for. In the end Jane said no and she lost it again. There we were trying to drag/carry a kicking and screaming 7 year old out of the toy section and out of the shop. So not fun. We still had some food shopping to do and as Jane could see I was getting really upset with Asher she told me to go and do it and I left her with Jane. As I went around I could hear her still going. Lasted about 15mins all up. After that her money, and hand bag has been claimed by Jane for a while. It was funny though last night when she was over for tea Asher was ever so nice to her.
Anyway that is it for now. Asher has her twister dance thing going so I may just go and join her in doing it for a while.
Till next time thanks for popping by, any comments and happy scrappying.
some really great stuff here!! love the top LO and the teabag!!!
ooooo J I LOVE your rein angel... just stunning!
need. pictures. of. julie. doing. twister. now. ;)
love your rein angel page... ADORABLE!
LOL I do love your Asher stories Julie. I am so not looking forward to Sabrina growing up lol. Thank god I had a boy first.
Just love your layouts and sneak peeks of that tag bag class - I will go check that out for sure.
Love your " you know it's christmas when" idea - gotta use that one for sure.
Keep up the great work and *see" you here, there and everywhere hey ;-)
oh no - you mean the tantrums don't stop?:0 Love all the new stuff you keep mighty busy girl!!
i am so in love with the rein page that is just precious
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