Hey it's Sunday and here is my Sunday pic and page share.
Or some of it anyway. lol
I finished of the projects with the Arty Pants August kit today and love what I have done with them. There is a sneeky pick of the kit over on Jodies blog--> link in side bar. It is so yummy and I managed to do quite a bit with it. Even Asher did a little page with some of the left overs. I'll pop up some sneeky peeks when I know that Jodie has gotten the email and has seen them herself.
There have been times where we have regretted getting Reenie, mainly when Asher just annoys the crap out of her and won't leave her alone or tries to drag her around the yard with her skipping rope. lol
But it is times like these that I am glad we have got Reenie. Some of the pics aren't the best but I love them.
Here is one of Asher and Reenie in matching pj tops.

This one is so going to be scrapped. lol I had a bag of plastic bags sitting on the floor waiting for me to take it into work tomorrow. I heard them russeling and turned around to find Reenie in them with her head coming out the handle of one.

And this one is of Asher playing nurses. Reenie was asleep on the chair and Asher covered her with some of her play blankets, tucked her in with a few of her toys, poped on her nurses hat and got her pirate sword(needle). Reenie moved as I took this so she is a bit blurry.

Now onto some of my pages.
This is my page for the runway comp over at CIS. I scrapped my favorite of the three photos for this months lighting lessons. I so love this photo and love how this page has turned out.

I'm of on a retreat in a few weekends with one of my lss and based this on a sketch challenge we have to do.

Over at CIS we are in the middle of an online retreat. A week full of online classes/workshops/fun/games and you guessed it lots of chatting.
Friday night it all kicked of with Jolenes single layout class. This is my page from the class. I love this page and how it turned out. Thanks Boss Cister.

There is a story behind the title of my page. It was pirate dress up day at school the last week of term and Shaleah, Asher's best girl was leaving to go to a new school. She has started at a privte school closer to where her new house is and when Asher first started talking about it she used to say pirate school.

I had a blonde moment when pritning out the photo for the page and printed it out as an A4 size so when I re printed it I printed another one with the intention of letting Asher scrap it later on. I was so in the scrappy mood after finishing the class page that I scrapped that pic too.
I'm not going to show a pic of that page yet as I did it for the 2nd round of Chineese whispers over at Bons. I'm in a group of six and the first person scraps a page then pm's the next person on the list with a discription of their page. That person then does a page from the discription and it gets passed on. I passed on my discription to Charm on Friday night and she is the last in our group so I will be able to share soonish.
I was sneeky and used the page for the scrappers bingo game over at Therapy. I haven't popped it in there yet, will wait abit.
After I had finished the page I decided that I would give one the Kristy, Shaleahs mum who is a scrapper too but I loved them both so didn't know which one to keep so I asked Asher wish one she wanted for her school album and the pink one won out.
One of the workshops on offer as part of the retreat was a dvd cover one.
I liked the idea of altering dvd covers so thought I'd alter one of Asher's dancing concert DVD's.
Ok so what else has happened in my part of the world.
-Did you notice my banner? We had to make a name tag for the CIS retreat and I loved it so much that I thought I'd pop it up as my blog banner. The Cister dters liked it too as I won the tag comp and to make things even better I won bingo tonight too.
-Asher's decided after two terms of dancing that she dosn't like tapping anymore. It has been a real drama getting her to go lately and after being of for two weeks over the school holidays I thought she would be happy to go back Saturday. Wrong. After a talking to Craig about it Saturday morning after point blank refusing to get ready to go to dancing she told us that she dosen't like the noise of it. So we are going to pull her out of there and try her at a dancing school closer to home where they offer seperate tap/jazz classes not combined ones.
And on the not so close to home news front. Arty Pants have reopened their new store. I've seen a few pics on Connies blog and it is looking fab.
If you want to check out some of the fun that happend pop into Andrea's blog.
Andrea is one of the instore teachers and a dter.
Anyway that is about all from me for now.
Will be back in a day or two with the sneekys of my pages with the ArtyPants kits.
As always thanks for stopping by, for any comments you may leave and till next time happy scrapping.
Loving your layouts Julie. Always love to come check out your work and blog.
Hi Julie...I've been MIA for a while, so I thought I would come and say Hi.....and tagged ya!
Loving those pic's!!...and LO..
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