Over at CIS the photo comp is still running and I've been playing around with Jolenes tips on taking better photos. This month we had to take nightime pics I took a photo of the dinning room at the retreat I went too a while back as the landscape one, the photo here of Asher for the outside portrait one and the brats by candle light for the low light one and scrapped my snail serenader. yeap that's right while outside sitting on the step doing the photo shoot Asher found a snail, covered it up and started singing to it.
Over at CIS at the moment there is lots of fun on the cards for their first birthday celebrations.
Pop in here to find out all the info
lots of games and a few free classes too.
CIS has their cyber crop on next weekend to if you want to join in on all the fun.
Last Friday I popped into Forever Always and joined in on the chat for their cybercrop. I had goood plans on doing at least two pages but have just done the one. I may stil get to the other one day but don't like my chances.for this challenege we had to be inspired by our pantry, use our basic scrap supplies no ribbons, bling or flowers, staples and leftover letters and packaging.
I love the way this turned out I did it while at the all day crop I went too last Sunday and the journaling took me ages as I was working backwards from the title.
The packaging on my page is the brown card between the two dream street papers from a box of cornflakes I opened that morning and the black strips from some Hiedi Swap letters.
It was also my first attempt at colouring a black andwhite photo. Thanks to Jolenes great photo shop tips that you can find here
This is my page for the 123 cybercrop and the flowers and buttons challenege over at TSE I had hoped to do another for the 123 cc but time got away from me. With this page I have our family album up to date and in albums up to Asher's forth birthday.
I did have the 123 monthly yo share but that is the one I forgot to upload to blogger before starting this post so wil upload it next time.
So what else has been happening out here
-Well my big news is that I made it. Made it through to the next round of the Scrap Therapy DT comp. Now I have to host an online class. My first ever class real and on line. Scary stuff for me. I have got a page all planned and nearly finished for it just need to do up the instructions for it. While I was sorting out a photo to use for the class layout I relised that I have scrapped most of the better pics of Asher I've got so it took me a while to decide on a photo and then my sewing machine decided to play up too. So the layout part of it all hasn't gotten of to a good start. If anyone out there that is still reading my ramble has any tips that they can share about running an on line class I would be very grateful. I also need to do up a how to for a blog post too but I have got the idea for that one just need to put it together. Not too sure just when the class will be but will post all the dteails on here as soon as I know.
-Therapy have their cybercrop next week and it looks like it will be a lot of fun. You can check out all the details here
I'm going to be a busy girl next weekend.lol
-It is school holidays here and Asher is driving me crazy already. Lucky for me I only have the one week off and she can drive the daycarers crazy for the three days I work next week.
-We are hopefully going of to the zoo this week. So I will have some great photo oppurtunities coming my way which I so need as apart form a few recent ones I am pretty much up to date with the photos of Asher that I want to scrap. I didn't think I would ever catch up on Asher's photos seeing as I didn't start scrapping till she was about three but I guess I'm not called the scrap nut for nothing.lol
-I chatted with all the little Misses over at TSE for thier first cyber crop on Fiday night. Why little Misses you ask. I have sort of given some of them fun nick names. I had heaps of fun chatting and hope to do at least one of the challenges.
-Well that is about all from me for now if you stayed around till the end of my ramble thanks heaps, thanks for any comments and till next time happy scrapping.
jules that cookie page is soo stinking cute! i love all the mix matched alphas! sounds like you have so much going on for you in the scrappy world.... awesome girl!! :)
I love the cookie LO too :) And those pics of Asher in her clown outfit... way cute.
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